FCSA Accredited Umbrella Companies

The Freelancer & Contractor Services Association (FCSA) is a trusted standard for umbrella companies. Explore our regularly updated list of FCSA accredited umbrella companies, their certifications, and key benefits for contractors.

What is FCSA?

The Freelancer and Contractor Services Association (FCSA) is a leading professional body in the United Kingdom that represents and promotes compliance and best practices within the contractor and freelance workforce sector. The organization sets rigorous standards for umbrella companies, contractor accountancy firms, and other service providers that support independent workers. By ensuring compliance with employment, tax, and regulatory laws, the FCSA plays a critical role in maintaining trust and integrity in the contractor market.

FCSA Umbrella Companies List

Below is an up-to-date list of FCSA accredited umbrella companies. This list was last updated on 25th January 2025.

Company Name Registration Number Assessed For Certification Expiry
Accountancy Partners Ltd 10807923 Umbrella 31-03-2025
Advance 07134728 Umbrella, CIS 31-01-2025
AZebra Pay Ltd 06014862 Umbrella 31-03-2025
Big Fish Group 12101291 Umbrella, CIS 31-07-2025
Bishopsgate 11768204 Umbrella, CIS 30-11-2025
Brookson One 05975526 Umbrella 30-09-2025
Carrington Umbrella Ltd 07816859 Umbrella 30-01-2026
Champion Contract Services Limited 06845130 Umbrella 30-11-2025
Clarity Umbrella 12210720 Umbrella 31-03-2025
Clipper Contracting Group 06631601 Umbrella, CIS 30-11-2025